Herbst appliance

Herbst appliance

If your child is experiencing an overbite or a misalignment where the top teeth extend beyond the jaw, you’ll want to correct this orthodontic issue as soon as possible for a healthy smile. While traditional treatments such as braces are an option, they may not fully correct this misalignment.

At Rappahannock Orthodontics, we offer Herbst appliances for patients to get fast and effective alignment solutions.

Schedule a free consultation

At Rappahannock Orthodontics, we understand that every smile has different needs. With our personalized Herbst appliance treatment plans, we’ll help your child correct their bite for a dazzling smile they’ll show off for years to come. Make an appointment at our Chatham or Amyclae offices in Fredericksburg or Stafford online or call us at 540-371-2611 today!